In 2022, the Association of South Asian Midwives (ASAM) embarked on a significant collaboration with British Sikh Nurses (BSN). These two diaspora organizations united with a mission to amplify the voices of South Asian nurses and midwives in the UK. To honor and spotlight the invaluable contributions of South Asian nursing and midwifery professionals, they organized the inaugural South Asian Nursing and Midwifery Conference, held at Warwick University Conferences in January 2023. This event marked the first public engagement of RCN President Sheila Sobrany following her election, drawing attendees from across the UK.
The organizers were dedicated to ensuring an authentic South Asian experience, collaborating with the Warwick Conference management team to curate a dinner menu inspired by South Asian cuisine, which was met with great appreciation. The evening featured keynote speakers who shared their dedication and efforts to enhance the NHS, delivering truly inspiring stories. The event concluded with a lively dance and bhangra, encapsulating the vibrant spirit of South Asian culture. Overall, it was an intimate and delightful celebration of the significant contributions made by South Asian professionals in the fields of nursing and midwifery.
Have a read through the Conference Programme below: